Regret is something that some people claim to not have, but i don't buy it for a second. "Never regret anything, it what you wanted at the time". Well firstly, thats just not true. Just on personal experience alone, i know that a lot of the time what i do is not what i want to do or was glad to do. It was just plain stupid, a moment of diminished responsibility or loneliness. Basically a moment of weakness. Secondly, just because you did something and, assuming it was actually what you wanted, it dosnt mean you cant regret it.
I have so many regrets in my life. I cant even begin to comprehend. In my case, not things i havnt done, but things i have. Things that have pulled apart my life, ruined the best parts. Regret dosnt go away. You can try to suppress it, sure. Try to bury it, but you cant. Its always there, beneath the surface. The niggling feeling, the knowing what could of been, if only you werent so stupid. The guilt, the pain. Knowing that because of your actions you, and those who mean the most to you, are suffering. That what could have been, isnt. That you destroyed your own happiness as well as theirs.