Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ms Pham owes Pat G. a bottle of Cremeing Soda that her slave children stole

Well yesterday we all went and played footy in the park at canley vale. Lets break that sentence down into smaller bite-size chunks.
We (like 8 guys) played (mostly they played, im shit) a game (shit verion) of footy in the park (was shit) in canley vale (even shitter).

anyway we played for like 20 minutes then dannis stacked it on his skateboard and all the asian guys left. Chuck, dannis, pat G., bacon and me all walked around canley vale and into Cabbramatta where we attacked ms phams shop and bought lunch which we ate in the park.

we went into ms phams shop and started hitting on her and her sisters. then we played a game to see how many items of clothing from her store we could wear at once. Then she took us on a tour of the store, ending with chuck almost getting locked in the backroom which she called "the sweatshop". we wore the big shoe, pat lost a bottle of creaming soda, i made ms phams sisters totally uncomfortable asking for their numbers, dannis started riding around the store on his skateboard, pat hugged ms pham and ms pham said dannis was hot. then dannis ollied and smashed ms phams floor tiles and we all piss bolted out.

then we wandered aimlessly around canley vale looking for kevin thais house, following very vauge directions from chuck. All asians know their way instictively around cabbramatta but never follow chuck anywhere, esspecially if it turns out hes never been there and has no clue if hes even going in the right direction.
anyway was fun.

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