Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mistakes and Regrets

Regret is something that some people claim to not have, but i don't buy it for a second. "Never regret anything, it what you wanted at the time". Well firstly, thats just not true. Just on personal experience alone, i know that a lot of the time what i do is not what i want to do or was glad to do. It was just plain stupid, a moment of diminished responsibility or loneliness. Basically a moment of weakness. Secondly, just because you did something and, assuming it was actually what you wanted, it dosnt mean you cant regret it.

I have so many regrets in my life. I cant even begin to comprehend. In my case, not things i havnt done, but things i have. Things that have pulled apart my life, ruined the best parts. Regret dosnt go away. You can try to suppress it, sure. Try to bury it, but you cant. Its always there, beneath the surface. The niggling feeling, the knowing what could of been, if only you werent so stupid. The guilt, the pain. Knowing that because of your actions you, and those who mean the most to you, are suffering. That what could have been, isnt. That you destroyed your own happiness as well as theirs.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Once Gone...

How do you earn back something that by definition, is only worth anything if you dont lose it? Something that takes a lifetime to build, but can be ripped away forever in the blink of an eye. Something that we need, we thrive on, something that we base our selves, our relationships and our entire lives on. Something rare and strong, yet fleeting and fragile. Its the reason we do what we do and it dictates who we do it with. Its existence is the link that unites friends, and its failure creates foes. Trust. It's what makes the world go round.

But what makes it so truly horrible and valuable simultaneously is its fragility. You can spend forever building it up, and im speaking from experience here, and it seems as if its unbreakable. Yet the slightest false move, a cruel action here, a mistake there, a lie anywhere and the trust you shared is lying shattered on the floor in a million pieces.

Its fickle. Thats my two word summary. If i had to extend by summary to four words, "Its fickle and priceless". The fact that it can be destroyed so easily is what makes it so valuable, and makes it so vital that we protect it. But maybe the only thing worse than the delicate fragility of trust is the fact that once its broken, its gone for good. No matter what you do, things will never be how they were. Thats something I've learned. No matter how much you regret the past, no matter how much you try to make amends, no matter how much you try to prove your worth and re-build your trust, no matter how much time elapses, no matter how truly ashamed and sorry you are, it will never be the same. And you have to sit there, as the person who once shared everything with you, the person you still care about more than anyone else in the world, tells you that you can't be trusted. And it hurts. But you deserve it. Because thats trust. Its fickle. Its priceless.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


They say the three things you shouldnt talk about in polite company are sex, politics and religion. Well i owe an essay on god and religion and no doubt i'll get around to sex soon, so lets start the trimester of impolite conversation with the political arena.

So here goes. I'm not trying to turn this into a campaign. I'll say straight out now, yes, i am voting for the labor party on August 21st, but that shouldn't interfere with what i'm trying to get across here. This is not a debate over the pro's and cons of the Liberal and Labor parties. Frankly, i don't see the point because as far as differences go, there are very few. Neither side have any astonishing new platforms or policies, nor does either side have a leader that genuinely stands out. The stances of the two parties are so interwined it is difficult to untangle the threads. The 'radical left-wing' Labor party has decided to implement an internet filter. While i am 100% against this, i do not believe in it strongly enough to write long angry blog posts in 512 different shades of red to show how pissed i am. But what got me was, this 'progressive, moving Australia forward party' was proposing internet censorship and the 'conservative' party is saying they will not censor the internet. I knew the differences between party platforms were getting less and less, but what i just witnessed was a complete role reversal.

This is not a political first. During the American Civil War, the Democrats were considered the red-necked, backwards party with it support base in the deep South. The Republicans were the free-thinking intellectuals opposed to slavery. 150 years later... Well lets just say George W. Bush and Sarah Palin are both Republicans. The idea then that the Liberal and Labor party should not only begin to merge on policy, but to swap roles is therefore quite possible. One thing that has always annoyed me about the Liberal party is the name. By definition, to be "liberal" with something is to be "not conservative", so naturally, Australias foremost CONSERVATIVE party is the LIBERAL party. Maybe the swap has already happened before, and they forgot to change the name?

Anyway, besides the mis-match policies that are equally as promising and similarly empty, my next bone is the politicians themselves. Tony Abbot summarised it nicely when he claimed that he could nto be trusted because he was a politician. It provided a nice soundbite for the media, but it did not hurt him in my eyes. Politicians these days have not only the old problems of "they'll say and do anything to get re-elected", which in many cases is true, but politicians are rapidly losing their balls (And no, that is not a dig at Julia Gillard or the Liberal Julie's). I mean that noone stands up for what they believe anymore. In my opinion, public opinion polls are responsible for the biggest political deficiency. Noone wants to do anything unpopular. I understand that democracy is based on the will of the people (ill get to democracy in a minute) and that popular representation should dictate the actions of the government. But am i the only one who is sick and tired of political parties and politicians basing their policies on what is popular, instead of what is right or what is necessary. I realise these are subjective terms but i believe there is a truth to what i'm saying.

My golden example here is the case of K-Ruddd. I confess to being a K-Rudd man, but not because of the T-shirts and the tacky slogan. Not only because of what he did as PM, but because of why he did it. Noone said he needed to apologise to the Aboriginals. Most people old him not to. But he did, because he felt it was the right thing to do. I know a lot of people were not fans of Rudd, so i wont harp on about him, but i think what Rudd had, that Gillard and Abbott both do not have, and what cannot be denied even by his critics, is that despite his faults, K-Rudd was his own man. He did not run his campaign on how popular he was, but on what he thought needed doing during his (shorter than expected) time as PM. Thats what i look for in a politician. Someone who can bravely announce what he stands for, and do it, strongly and proudly, instead of bending in the breeze, depending on which way the wind of support is blowing.

And my final thoughts on Democracy as a process. While there is a lot to be said for monarchies, juntas and dictatorships (law and order, security, no red tape or bureaucracy) i would much prefer to live in a democracy. But no system is perfect. Watching interviews with some of the people at Rooty Hill last night, i was reminded about the major flaw int he Democratic process to my mind.
The best thing about Democracy: Everyone has an equal say.
The worst thing about Democracy: Everyone has an equal say.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Only Funny In The Rich Mans World

Perhaps a break from the heavy stuff is in order? I think this is a good medium to talk about the things that are close to my heart. But now i think about it, what is close to my heart?

Allow me to get to my point in a round-a-bout anecdotal way. I'm on the yearbook committee, and it was my job to type up everyones profiles (about 150 all up) into word. As boring as batshit but it gave far more of an insight into people than i'm sure they realised when they wrote it. I am fully aware of the fact that i'm generalising here, but just allow me to digress. What genuinely surprised me was that the louder, more extroverted population of the year struggled far more evidently with their forms than the quieter (and lets be honest, nearly always asian) students. I mean, the quieter people (particularly the girls) had covered every square centimetre in writing, where as the others had maybe a only a few lines on them. Esspecially the "three words that describe me" question. Nearly every single person who i would have described as calm, shy or quiet wrote that they were "crazy" or an appropriate synonym. But i've digressed off my digression.

What got me thinking was the last question. "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?". There were only two answers. Half the school was in a nutshell "With a good job as a doctor (or something similar) and earning lots of money", or they were "doing something that makes me happy".

And that in a nutshell is my point. I will be honest. Nearly every single money based response was from an asian kid. Im not racist, and i'm not trying to give that impression at all. It just got me thinking. Why that division? What is it that makes us need money to achieve what we want out of life.

I'm not going to claim i'm immune from this innate love of money. Despite its reputation as the root of all evil, money makes my world go round. Money makes everyones world go round. Money is what makes the world go round poor Timbutu. Money makes our world go round, but that dosnt mean it should be the center of it.

Yes. I want money out of my life. I like to eat. That costs money. I need to raise my (eventual) kids. That costs money. I generally just like spending money, because i usually get something good out of it. Admittedly, when i start paying bills and im throwing money away just for running water and electricity, i may feel differently. But i like having and spending money. But it is not the center of my world.

I wrote this instead of discussing God, because i thought God would be too big a topic and i wasnt in the mood. But the reality is, for some people, money is god. Which to me, is sad. There is more to life than how fat your wallet is.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Death; Be Proud OR 5 Things I Love About Death

Moving on to the next nail-biting installment of this existential blockbuster we have everyones least favourite inevitability (after tax), Death. That hooded figure lurking behind every corner, waiting to whisk you away to the next realm (possibly. I'll get to that). Death has a really negative image, and should probably fire his(or her?) PR person. So, in the interests of promoting death, here are my favourite 5 things about death:

5 - No sugar coating

This is a biggie for me, so it should probably have been higher up the list, but oh well. Death does not beat around the bush (unless you died from being beaten around the head with shrubbery). When you're dead, you're dead. I know, you know it, everybody looking at your cold motionless body on the floor knows it. Theres no second guessing what death wants, no bitching or spreading rumours ("Did you hear what death said?", nothing. When death wants you, he'll come and find you. No dilly-dallying. Hes there, youre dead. Thats all there is too it. Never will death come and find you to say "Hi there, listen, we need to talk. You really need to stop living. It's not you, its me. Lets just be friends?". No. He turns up. Youre dead. End of story.

4 - Good work ethic

Say what you like about death, he is not lazy. Death dosnt take weekends or sick days to stay home and recover from the big night at the pub the night before. Hell, Death is working a 24/7 shift. Never does Death recline on the couch, turn on the telly and say "Fuck it, starving Timbutu in Nigeria can have another day". No. Hes out there, every minute of every day doing his job, which is getting harder. People are living longer. Blame medical science and the Biggest Loser. The reaping business is slowing right down, but Death is no bludger.

3 - Not racist

Death doesnt care whether youre black or white, whether your eyes are slanty, you live in an igloo or your last name is lopez, rodrigues or ramirez. Death will take you anyway. Martin Luther King Jr. said "I have a dream, wherein my children will be judged not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character". Well Death is out there, every minute of every day (See point 4) making that dream a reality. My only point with this is that, in addition to being kind of depressing, have you considered going for a different look? Black is not this years black, and you do take all colours. Might i suggest some sort of technicolour dream coat, ala. Joseph?

2 - A sense of humour

Death will get you, but why not make it interesting? Death has a wicked sense of humour, as you can from reading things like the Darwin Awards. Death is one creative son'bitch and he will find new ways to kill you. And they will be funny. And one day he will find a method of killing that is so funny, others will die of laughter, and the vicious and hilarious cycle will continue. Atleast thats my prediction.

1 - Evolution

Ties in nicely with the previous point. There are elements of evolution that i am skeptical about (and i will probably discuss these in a later post) but i can definately see the importance of weeding out the people who fall under the depressingly large "To stupid to live" category. For this service alone, Death; I salute you.

I realise this list is not going to help me shed the depressing element to my writing, but for such a gloomy topic, i dont think it was that bad. John Donne go nothin' on me, fo sho. And such.

Timbutu and his Starving family.

I shant flatter myself into believing that my life is so interesting that the mundane anecdotes from my life, which i could potentially share, have the ability to hold a captive audience. Instead, i feel this forum is more useful for expressing the more abstract, existential thoughts that pass through my mind. Not that i believe they are anymore captivating, but i doubt my now five followers really care what i had for breakfast (crumpets with honey, if you do care).

So lets start with the big existential fuckers first. Life, death, god. Donne and Ms Bearing would have a field day.

Life first. What is life? Well if youre alive, pondering that question, youre safe, dont worry. My personal belief is simple. Life is simply being alive. Beyond that, life is what you make it. "Life Sucks" you say? Well i say be more specific. YOUR life sucks. Im sure other people out having a fancy time dont think so. Im sure life is a bundle of laughs to those better off than yourself. I get that sometimes life isnt what you want because of circumstances beyond your control. I mean, look at the poor african children, slaving away all day and all night just so they can earn not even enough food to keep their family alive. This is a truly phenomonal process, when you think about it. The whole poverty issue. It never ceases to amaze me. Forgive my tangent, but allow me to digress.

In 1960, President John F Kennedy said "We have the means, tools and money to make poverty history. What we lack is the motivation". Aside from sounding suspiciously like he stole his speech from the opening credits of the "6 million dollar man", Kennedy opens a whole can of worms. On the one hand, yes. We COULD end poverty. If every nation on earth contributed an extra 10% of their economic profits to charity, can you imagine the difference. Fun fact: The Vatican/Roman Catholic Church has the ability to provide enough money and aid to end poverty in Africa forever, almost 3 times over. So why havnt they? Are you telling me that we, as a global population have no motivation to help the poor? Sure, we might tell the bum on the street to get a job, but are we really so heartless towards poor Timbutu and his poor starving family in Nigeria? No. I think as a whole, we care. Maybe not as much as we could, but we would help them if we felt we could.

The fact is we cant. Look at it this way (for best effect, pretend im holding a globe). The world is fucked. The best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America’s Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance and Germany doesn’t want to go to war. More importantly, the world has no money, we're running out of resources, we cant stop fighting each other and the environment isnt doing so crash hot. Or it is. But thats the problem.

Now all these issues are coming from that small minority of the worlds population that live in the "civilised" western world. More than half the worlds population has never made or recieved a phone call. I dont think most people truly realise how improbable it is that they would be born into a society with running water. Now appreicate that these global problems exist from maybe 1 billion of the worlds 6 billion people. Now imagine if the other 5 billion people starting placing the same strain on the planet. The earth just physically couldnt take it. The sad truth is, we need all those poor starving children to stay in poverty, because the alternative is a) killing them b)killing us or c) the entire planet and everyone on it going to shit.

anyway i got sidetracked and im going to bed. Ill finish the others later.


This is a special post, because it's dedicated to someone special. She cops a lot of shit, but she doesn't deserve any of it. She's sweet and kind and she always makes me laugh.She's beautiful, inside and out, even if she can't always see it herself. She may not always do fabulously in school, but she's still brilliant in her own ways. She argues, but only when shes right. Most amazingly she's stayed my best friend for the past 6 years, despite everything.

So heres to a an amazing friend, an incredible person and a girl as blind as she is beautiful :)

Monday, August 9, 2010


Change of plan. There was nothing worth salvaging on Tumblr.


Its the day between exams
and all through the house;
was me not studying
or rhyming very well either.

That is basically a summary of my days activities. Yesterday i had my lovely ancient history exam, every bit as riveting as you expect. Atleast i used more quotes than ellen. Atleast i used quotes, ellen.
Ellen should have been capitalised, but instead I thought it would be better to talk about how i could remedy that error, instead of actually doing it. Which sums up my life pretty much. I COULD study for my looming exams, for which im really not prepared. OR i could pretend to study for exams, thus fooling everyone into a fall sense of security in which i get a good ATAR.

Actually, that really has nothing to do with what i was saying. Im really just typing things as they come to mind. MY belief is that if i dont stop writing, just keep going and writing the very first things that come to my mind, with absolutely no censorship at all... it will still be crap, but i'll have the infallible excuse of 'i didnt have time to prepare'. Apparently that makes the difference. I recently got a FormSpring, which proved to be as disappointing as its description;

An open forum wherein you can verbally admonished, probed, insulted, assaulted, pepper-and-salted and generally stalked by anonymous keyboard warriors and sex offenders"

Anyway, the point i was making with that is that Mabel seemed to think this was a fantastic thing. She thought she could come to expect "yay! betch has a formspring! i'll be looking forward to reading good calls and hilarious comebacks! :D "

Sorry to disappoint you Mabel, even with the time to rehearse i dont think i've lived upto you high expectations. Now im not trying to be another angsty teenage prick, weeping and boring out my heart to my devoid-of-followers blog. Contrary to how i probably sound, im a reasonably cheery guy. I've been told that for whatever inexplicable reason, my writing style is depressing. It took me three attempts before i could create a passable summary of Year 11 for the school yearbook, because my first attempts made anyone who read it want to kill themselves. For this I apologise.

Anway, I'm not entirely sure why i'm trying to revive this, my....5th attempt at a blog? Certainly, its gained the most momentum out of all of them (one follower. Sad. On a happy note, hello Prasad), but Mabel asked me to reactivate my Tumblr. I dislike Tumblr because its for whiny teenage girls for reposting picture of unicorns and romantic images, complete witht he sort of lovey-dovey quotes that Edward Cullen himself wouldnt be caught undead saying. I may try to salvage some Tumblr posts but, because its easier than typing all this..